CHAKRA CARESS Meditation CD - Simonette Vaja


This is a NEW information & Guided Meditation CD (Sealed in plastic).

A Guided Meditation to Enliven & Awaken.

Chakra Caress - it has an invigorating and enlivening effect for the meditator...
Also fantastic for dancing is Track 4 titled chakra dance music especially composed by Ian Cameron Smith, it really gets the body moving.

Do you ever feel tired and uninspired?
Would you like to awaken and enliven your entire being and feel totally rejuvenated?

Learn how to laser your optimal healing power into the chakras and encourage your true colours to shine through like a rainbow with Australian consulting psychologist and clinical hypnotherapist, Simonette Vaja.
Her entrancing voice guides you through a unique chakra meditation to open your energy fields to more loving and harmonious relationships; to empower and enhance self-esteem and help to more fully connect with your physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
Used regularly, this truly inspirational and energising CD, that features specially composed Chakra caress dance music by Ian Cameron Smith, will restore energy levels and re-invigorate the spirit.
Suitable for men and women of all ages - for private use or in a group environment for Chakra meditation and dancing.

Featured music by Ian Cameron Smith.

Track 1: Introduction to the seven main Chakra energy fields.
Track 2: Guided Meditation - Chakra Caress.
Track 3 Open the Heart Meditation - famous from the Wild at heart courses.
Track 4 Chakra Dance Music.

Simonette Vaja B.A.,M.A.,Post.Grad.Dip. Clinical Hypnosis: Registered Psychologist is highly qualified, and broadly experienced. A member of the Australian Psychological Society and the founder of the Wild Women Network in Australia.
She teaches her 'wild at heart, facilitator for life' courses from nature care College in St Leonards, Sydney and conducts various relaxation and creativity weekend residentials; relationship visualisation and meditation classes.

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